
We publish a range of reports

Fisheries Publications Fisheries Publications


Further assessment of four-panel T90 codends with shortened lastridge ropes in the Irish demersal seine-net fishery

November 2024

Fisheries Conservation Report


Assessment of enlarged top sheets in a Nephrops trawl

October 2024

Fisheries Conservation Report


Annual Fisheries Report 2024

Findings of the National Seafood Survey 2024


Preliminary assessment of a four-panel 100 mm T90 codend and extension piece fitted with shortened lastridge ropes in the Irish demersal trawl fishery

August 2024

BIM Lámhleabhar Sláinte an Iascaire

September 2024


BIM Fisherman's Health Hand Book

July 2024


Preliminary assessment of a semi-pelagic trawl to target mixed demersal fish species in the Celtic Sea

May 2024


Progress Report on Spurdog Survivability in Irish Fisheries

April 2024


Fisheries Conservation Solutions to Address Key Environmental Issues

February 2024


Assessment of Scallop Dredge Ring Size Selectivity in the Western English Channel Fishery

January 2024


Carbon Footprint report of the Irish Seafood Sector Summary

31 January 2024


Testing of reduced-drag Polar doors shows good potential to improve energy efficiency and reduce seabed impacts in Irish demersal fisheries

15 December 2023



Bioeconomy model to assess the impact of the Landing Obligation

7 December 2023


Assessment of pair-fishing operations in the Irish demersal seine fishery

6 November 2023

BIM and the Irish fishing industry’s latest project on improving on board energy efficiency demonstrates substantial improvements in fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions by pairing up on demersal seine fishing operations


Annual Fisheries Report

26 October 2023

A snapshot of Ireland’s fishery sector in 2023


Assessment of image acquisition and sediment suppression systems in the Irish Nephrops fishery

13 October 2023

Study demonstrates that capture of clear video footage of catches is possible from within an Irish Nephrops trawl using image acquisition and sediment suppression systems.


Labour Force Analysis of Irish Fishing Fleet

October 2022


Assessment of cod survival in the Irish fly-shoot seine fishery using survivorship satellite archival tags

October 2023

Published in the Journal of Fisheries Research, this study demonstrates the effectiveness of pop-up satellite archival tags in assessing cod survival in a fly-shoot seine net fishery with major potential application to other species and fisheries.

View Article


Assessment of artificial light on the headline towards improving energy efficiency in the Celtic Sea trawl fishery for demersal fish species

16 June 2023

Study results demonstrated a 51% increase in haddock catches corresponding to an 64% increase in haddock catch value by using green LED lights on the trawl headline during night time. This is a simple inexpensive option for whitefish vessels to improve catch and energy efficiency.


Developing Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) 2021 - 2027

3 May 2023

Developing Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG)

EMFAF Operational Programme 2021 – 2027


Preliminary assessment of MLD off-bottom trawl doors in the Irish Nephrops fishery

31 March 2023

First testing of off-bottom trawl doors in the Irish Nephrops fishery demonstrates the potential to improve energy efficiency and reduce seabed impacts



An economic analysis of the Irish small-scale fleet

20 March 2023

This report represents the most detailed economic assessment of the Irish small-scale fishing fleet (SSF) carried out to date.

Multiple data sources were used to assess the economic state of the SSF to understand fishing patterns, fleet structure, landing volumes, sales values and export patterns. The analysis assesses the economic state of the sector to determine whether current fishing is at this point profitable.


Carbon Footprint report of the Irish Seafood Sector

23 February 2023

This report, the first of its kind for the Irish Seafood sector, provides a carbon emission baseline for the sector.


Assessment of pair fishing towards more efficient targeting of demersal fish species

22 December 2022

BIM and the Irish Fishing Industry’s latest gear trial demonstrates substantial increases in catch rates, energy efficiency and profitability by pairing up on fishing operations


Assessment of cod survival in the Irish seine-net fishery using pop-up satellite archival tags

15 November 2022

New cod tagging study delivers an innovative new survival assessment technique and supports the continued development of selective gears on board Irish vessels


Common Fisheries Policy Report

05 October 2022

Common Fisheries Policy Report


BIM Annual Fisheries Report 2022

26 September 2022

BIM Annual Fisheries Report 2022


Testing of modified rigging towards reduction of unwanted catches in the Nephrops fishery

11 August 2022

Modified rigging resulted in no reduction in whiting and haddock. Increases in Nephrops  and reductions in rays and dogfish are encouraging but require further confirmation.



Artificial light on the raised-fishing line in a Celtic Sea mixed-demersal fishery

9 June 2022

A full-scale assessment of lights demonstrated a 65% reduction in low-quota cod. Substantial reductions in target species, however, suggest that lights are currently not a commercially viable option to further reduce unwanted catches on the raised-fishing line.


Preliminary assessment of the energy efficiency of a four-panel Nephrops trawl

4 April 2022

Thanks to improved hydrodynamic characteristics and gear performance, the newly developed four-panel trawl has major potential to improve energy efficiency in the Nephrops fishery.


Fisheries Conservation solutions to reduce unwanted catches

18 February 2022

Updated guide on solutions to reduce unwanted catches and boost fisheries sustainability and marine biodiversity


Preliminary assessment of a four-panel T90 codend with lastridge ropes in the Irish demersal seine net fishery

22nd December 2021

This trial of a new four-panel T90 codend with lastridge ropes demonstrated substantial reductions in small haddock and increases in larger haddock in the seine-net fishery. The gear has major potential to improve the environmental and economic sustainability of Irish demersal seine and trawl fisheries.


An assessment of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) survivability in an Irish otter trawl fishery

30th November 2021

Post-capture survival estimates of cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) caught in an Irish otter trawl fishery ranged from 11 to 16%. Cuckoo ray catches are low but difficult to mitigate in the observed fishery. A risk-based approach should be considered in managing this issue in EU waters.


Assessment of the Dual Codend on the Galway Aran Fishing Grounds

21st September 2021  

This trial demonstrated effective separation of gurnard and other fish species into the upper part of the dual codend. A doubling in market sized fish catches makes the dual codend a sensible gear option for vessels targeting Nephrops and fish species.


Fast-Tracking Gear Development with Side-Scan Sonar

4th August 2021

The results of this short trial demonstrate that side scan sonar imaging is a powerful tool enabling rapid visualisation and assessment of fishing gear modifications. This tool has major potential to assess gear modifications which aim to reduce bycatch, seabed impacts, and carbon emissions.



Preliminary assessment of a box trawl in the Irish Nephrops fishery

9th July 2021

This new four-panel ‘box trawl’ is highly effective in targeting Nephrops and facilitates large-scale changes in mesh size. Extended areas of enlarged mesh in the top sheet have strong potential to improve species selectivity, fuel and carbon efficiency.




Seafood Sector Taskforce - Interim Report

16 June 2021

This is the Interim Report of the Seafood Sector Taskforce which was established by The Minister for Agriculture Food and the Marine (DAFM), Charlie McConalogue T.D., on 26 February 2021.


Match of the Day: optimised experimental design in alternate-haul gear trials

10th June 2021

Statistical methodology for comparing two or more gears in twin or multi-rig gear selectivity experiments is well established but less so in the case of single-rig experiments. Published in the ICES Journal of Marine Science, this study optimises trial design and outputs in single-rig gear selectivity experiments.



Preliminary assessment of artificial light on the raised-fishing line

25 May 2021

Green LEDs substantially reduced haddock catches onboard a trawler targeting mixed-demersal fish in the Celtic Sea. Confirmation of these results would help towards a case for codend meshes which selectively retain and optimise utilisation of Celtic Sea whiting.


BIM EMFF Grant Case Studies Report 2020

21 April 2021

BIM EMFF Grant Case Studies Report 2020


Captive Monitoring Survivability Experiment for Plaice in the Irish Seine-net Fishery

9 Dec 2020

BIM’s new mobile fish holding unit was used to obtain a 70% survival rate in the Irish seine-net fishery. Results will be used to apply for an exemption from the landing obligation.


The Economic Impact of the Seafood Sector

6 Nov 2020

BIM undertook a study to examine the impact of the seafood sector on Ireland’s ten main fishing ports in late 2019. The findings point to the significance of the sector in rural economies in Ireland. For every four jobs in the seafood sector, three are created downstream.

Economic Impact of Seafood Sector – An Daingean (pdf 1,512Kb)

Economic Impact of Seafood Sector – Castletownbere (pdf 1,526Kb)

Economic Impact of Seafood Sector – Clogherhead (pdf 1,444Kb)

Economic Impact of Seafood Sector – Dunmore East (pdf 1,484Kb)

Economic Impact of Seafood Sector – Greencastle (pdf 1,548Kb)

Economic Impact of Seafood Sector – Howth (pdf 1,518Kb)

Economic Impact of Seafood Sector – Killybegs (pdf 1,544Kb)

Economic Impact of Seafood Sector – Kilmore Quay (pdf 1,517Kb)

Economic Impact of Seafood Sector – Ros an Mhil (pdf 1,552Kb)

Economic Impact of Seafood Sector – Union Hall (pdf 1,509Kb)


Assessment of 100 mm T90 codend in the Irish Sea

7 May 2020

A 41% reduction in undersize haddock suggests the 100 mm T90 codend has major potential to optimise quota and boost stock sustainability in the increasingly important Irish Sea haddock fishery. An application has been submitted to permit use of this gear in the Irish Sea.


Plaice survivability in the Irish seine net fishery

20 Apr 2020

An 87% plaice survival rate was estimated in the Irish seine net fishery. Study results will be used towards an application for a survivability exemption under the landing obligation.


Guide on Technical Solutions to Reduce Unwanted Catches

11 Mar 2020

An updated guide which summarises technical solutions developed by BIM in collaboration with the Irish Fishing Industry which assist with the landing obligation


Sole survivability in the Irish otter trawl fishery

19 Dec 2019

A 50% sole survival rate was obtained in an Irish otter trawl fishery. Study results will be used towards an application for a survivability exemption under the landing obligation.


Assessment of the Notus Echo catch sensor in the Irish Nephrops fishery

2 Oct 2019

BIM calibrated a new catch sensor to work in the Nephrops fishery. The device has major potential to help Irish vessel owners improve fuel efficiency and reduce environmental impacts.


An Estimation of a Reference Population for the Irish Seafood Sector

13 Sep 2019

BIM’s assessment of an appropriate target population for the seafood sector.


A Top Down Estimation of the Downstream Employment Generated by the Irish Seafood Sector

9 Sep 2019

Direct, indirect and induced employment in Ireland’s seafood sector.


Global food consumption patterns of interest to the Irish seafood sector

9 Sep 2019

In this report food consumption patterns in Ireland and in other countries are assessed to identify eating trends occurring here and around the world and to identify important current and future markets for Irish seafood producers.


Assessment of 90 mm T90 mesh codend, a new gear option for Celtic Sea whitefish vessels

19 Jul 2019

BIM’s study results indicate that the 90 mm T90 mesh codend is an excellent gear option for vessels targeting monkfish and megrim due to a major increase in monkfish and major reductions in undersize roundfish species during the trials. In addition substantial loss of market sized whiting with the 90 mm T90 gear indicates that vessels targeting whiting may be better served by other gear options under the discard plan.


Staggering the fishing line: a key bycatch reduction option for whitefish trawlers

7 Jun 2019

Report on further development of the raised/staggered fishing line; the trial resulted in substantial reductions in skates and rays, flatfish and dogfish with more moderate reductions in haddock and cod indicating that this gear provides an excellent option for vessels targeting whiting under the landing obligation.


BIM's Fishermen's Health Manual

22 Mar 2019

BIM’s Fishermen’s Health Manual offers simple and practical advice on keeping healthy, both when at sea and back on land.

Available in following langages;

Irish (pdf 2,129Kb)

Arabic (pdf 1,926Kb)

Russian (pdf 2,665Kb)

Malaysian (pdf 2,468Kb)

Spanish (pdf 2,129Kb)


Post-capture condition of cuckoo ray in an Irish otter trawl fishery

1 Mar 2019

Report results indicate that cuckoo rays are likely to survive the capture process well with 84% of trawl caught cuckoo rays in excellent condition at the point of being put back to sea. Study outcomes provide supporting scientific information towards extending the one-year survivability exemption for cuckoo ray under the EU landing obligation.


Irish Inshore Fisheries Sector Strategy 2019-2023 Summary

27 Feb 2019

A summary of the Irish Inshore Fisheries Sector Strategy 2019-2023


Straitéis d'Earnáil Iascaigh Cois Cladaigh na Éireann 2019-2023 (GAE)

27 Feb 2019

Straitéis d’Earnáil Iascaigh Cois Cladaigh na Éireann  2019-2023


Irish Inshore Fisheries Sector Strategy 2019-2023

27 Feb 2019

The first industry-led strategy for Ireland’s inshore fisheries sector has been launched in a bid to develop a prosperous and sustainable industry. The Irish Inshore Fisheries Sector Strategy 2019-2023 follows 18 months of consultation and development with representatives from the sector.


Benefits of 120 mm diamond and 100 mm T90 codends in the Celtic and Irish Seas

11 Feb 2019

Equivalent selectivity for small fish was demonstrated between 120 mm diamond and 100 mm T90 codends. Both gears have benefits depending on which species is targeted, and both should be included in the list of gear options for vessels targeting whitefish species in the Celtic and Irish Seas.


Brexit and the Irish Fishing Industry Factsheet

7 Feb 2019

Brexit and the Irish Fishing Industry Factsheet produced by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.


Irish Fishing Industry Flume Tank Workshop, Newfoundland

21 Dec 2018

Report on flume tank testing and development of the raised fishing line approach, a key gear option for vessels targeting whitefish species under the landing obligation


Plaice survivability in the Irish otter trawl fishery

20 Nov 2018

A 43% plaice survival rate was obtained in an Irish otter trawl fishery targeting fish species. Conducted during summer months, the study provided a worst case estimate, with higher survival likely to occur at other times of the year. This work will be used to apply for an exemption from the landing obligation for plaice in otter trawl fisheries.


A game of two halves: Bycatch reduction in Nephrops mixed fisheries

19 Oct 2018

Published in the journal Fisheries Research, this paper demonstrates the benefits of a novel double codend trawl with inclined separator panels in mixed Nephrops fisheries. The gear significantly reduced catches of undersize fish while maintaining market sized Nephrops and fish. Highly effective species separation facilitates alternative selectivity measures depending on landing obligation requirements. Additional benefits such as improved catch quality and reduced catch sorting times are discussed.


Assessment of a SELTRA sorting box with 90 mm codend mesh size in the Irish Sea Nephrops fishery

10 Oct 2018

Following a request from the North Western Waters Advisory Committee, a SELTRA bycatch reduction device with an increased codend mesh size of 90 mm was assessed in the Irish Sea Nephrops fishery. The gear was highly effective in reducing catches of small whiting but also reduced catches of market sized Nephrops. The report discusses how increases in codend mesh size are unlikely to be of benefit in improving whiting conservation in the Irish Sea.


Gear Trials Fact Sheet

15 Aug 2018

Reducing unwanted catches: A collection of one page summaries of technical solutions developed by BIM and the Irish fishing industry.


A study to identify potential uses for unwanted catches landed into Ireland under the Landing Obligation

15 May 2018

This report assesses the likely volumes of unwanted catches which may be landed into Ireland under the Landing Obligation (LO). It identifies potential uses for those catches and analyses these options for their potential to deliver an economic return to fishermen.


Assessment of an increase in codend mesh size and reduced codend circumference in an Irish Nephrops fishery

3 May 2018

Increasing codend mesh size from 80 to 90 mm in the Irish Sea Nephrops fishery achieved major reductions in catches of small whiting but also substantially reduced Nephrops catches. Restricting the amount of larger mesh used in the codend may assist in maintaining Nephrops catches. Reduced codend circumference showed major potential as a measure for improving Nephrops selectivity but had a limited effect on whiting.


Assessment of Dyneema® floating sweeps and fish scaring ropes in the Irish Sea Nephrops fishery

5 Feb 2018

Floating Dyneema sweeps caught more Nephrops and proportionately less whiting compared with a standard gear, and may have potential to postpone choking under the landing obligation. Alternative rigging ahead of the trawl failed to directly reduce catches of very small whiting. Such fish may be incapable of swimming clear of the trawl mouth in the Irish Nephrops fishery.


Assessment of an inclined panel and flotation devices in the SELTRA

22 Nov 2017

A modified SELTRA achieved further reductions in undersize whiting and haddock but also reduced Nephrops catches. Underwater video footage greatly assisted in determining optimal flotation and performance of the SELTRA which remains an important gear option for Irish vessels under the landing obligation.


Nephrops survivability in the Irish demersal trawl fishery

29 Sep 2017

A 64% survival rate was obtained for Nephrops caught with a SELTRA selectivity device. This will be used to apply for a high survivability exemption from the landing obligation in the demersal trawl fishery.


EAFE Posters

14 Jul 2017

A collection of four fisheries posters on the conservation and economic benefits of reducing unwanted catches. Presented at the XXIII conference of the European Association of Fisheries Economists (EAFE), Dublin Castle, April 2017.


BIM Responsibly Sourced Standard - Fishing Vessel Standard

26 Jun 2017

This document sets out the requirements for applicants to the BIM Responsibly Sourced Fishing Vessel Standard.


Raising the fishing line to reduce cod catches in demersal trawls targeting fish species

23 May 2017

Study results demonstrate how major reductions in catches of quota limited cod combined with increased catches of the main target species, whiting, can boost fishery sustainability and catch value while also addressing landing obligation requirements.


The SELTRA sorting box: A highly selective gear for fish in the Irish Nephrops fishery

9 Feb 2017

Substantial reductions in catches of unwanted fish species, and improved retention of Nephrops demonstrate that the SELTRA is a key gear option for vessels primarily targeting Nephrops.


A general catch comparison method for multi-gear trials: application to a quad-rig trawling fishery for Nephrops

23 Jan 2017

This paper introduces a new catch comparison method for more than two gears with applications for gear trials using the quad-rig in the Nephrops fishery.


Assessment of a dual codend with net separator panel in an Irish Nephrops fishery

7 Dec 2016

Study results demonstrate how it’s possible to optimise size grades and quality of Nephrops and fish catches, greatly reduce catch sorting times, while also meeting legislative restrictions on discarding.


Assessment of the impacts of the Landing Obligation on Irish Vessels

4 Aug 2016

Building on previous work carried out in 2014, this study combined field testing of the impacts of choking on two demersal trawl fisheries, with economic analysis of related outcomes. The utility of technical and tactical changes in fishing practices as well as increased catch allowances in offsetting such impacts was assessed.


Assessment of T90 mesh in a fishery targeting whiting in the Celtic Sea

29 Jun 2016

Study results show that T90 mesh provides an excellent option to substantially improve the length composition and quality of whiting, while minimising impacts of the landing obligation on vessels targeting that species.


Assessment of square mesh cod ends in an Irish Nephrops fishery

26 May 2016

A range of different square mesh cod-end mesh sizes were tested as a potential means of improving Nephrops selectivity. Results suggest that other measures tested by BIM namely an increase in cod-end mesh size and customised rigid sorting grids, are better options in Irish Nephrops fisheries.


Assessment of rigid sorting grids in an Irish quad-rig trawl fishery for Nephrops

15 Feb 2016

This study demonstrates a new sorting grid for Nephrops as an option for achieving major reductions in catches of small Nephrops while retaining fish catches.


BIM Flume Tank Workshop in Hirtshals Denmark

29 Jan 2016

Report on the BIM organised trip to a flume tank in Hirtshals, Denmark in November 2015. The aim of the trip was to test and discuss various devices for improving species and size selectivity in Irish fisheries, with a particular emphasis on the commercially important Nephrops fishery.


December Council Regulatory Impact Assessment Methodology - 2016 Fishing Opportunities

21 Jan 2016

Documentation of the methodology used to estimate the socio-economic impact of the proposed TACs on the Irish fishing fleet and on Irish coastal communities – 2016 fishing opportunities.


Assessment of an Increase in Cod-End Mesh Size in the Irish Sea Nephrops Fishery

23 Sep 2015

A study conducted in the Irish Sea Nephrops fishery revealed major biological and economic benefits associated with an increase in minimum cod-end mesh size in the Irish Sea


Report of the Working Group on Safety Training and Employment in the Irish Fishing Industry

28 Jul 2015

The Working Group proposals include improved safety standards on vessels, making the industry more attractive for new entrants and advocating a careers structure for individuals working in the industry.


At Sea Simulation of Landing Obligation

23 Mar 2015

A detailed technical and economic assessment of the impacts of the landing obligation at operational level with a particular focus on the impacts of choke species.


Assessment of Diamond Cod-end Mesh Size on Catch Composition in a Celtic Sea Nephrops Trawl Fishery

17 Feb 2015

Significant reductions in catches of undersize Nephrops achieved by using increased diamond cod-end mesh


Assessment of a 300 mm square-mesh panel in the Irish Sea Nephrops fishery

11 Nov 2014

A report on the gear trial in the Western Irish Sea in ICES Division VIIa resulting in major reductions in catches of whiting and haddock and no reduction of Nephrops catches. Results are in line with a Northern Irish assessment


Catch comparison of Quad and Twin-rig trawls in the Celtic Sea Nephrops fishery 2014

29 Aug 2014

Report on catch comparison of Quad and Twin-rig trawls in the Celtic Sea Nephrops fishery


Economic Survey to Determine the Importance of Seafood Activity for Ros an Mhíl

22 Apr 2014

This report, facilitated by BIM, provides qualitative and quantitative information on the value that fishing contributes to the national fisheries harbour centre at Ros an Mhíl. (Updated 2016)


Seal Depredation and Bycatch in Irish Set Net Fisheries

16 Dec 2013

Fisheries Resource Series


Pelagic Separator Trials Report

10 Dec 2013

The assessment of fish quality before and after a device used to separate pelagic fish (mackerel) from offloading delivery water in November 2013


Swedish Grid and Celtic Sea Square Mesh Panel trial

10 Dec 2013

Assessing the effect of placing a Celtic Sea SMP aft of a Swedish Grid on board MFV Mater Dei in the Irish Sea Nephrops fishery


Castletownbere: A Socio-economic Profile of Ireland's Fishery Harbour Centres

30 May 2013

A report presenting background statistics which describe the social and economic characteristics of the Castletownbere Fishery Harbour Centre. (One of a series of six fishery harbour centre profiles commissioned by BIM)


Howth: Socio-economic Profile of Ireland's Fishery Harbour Centres

30 May 2013

A report presenting background statistics which describe the social and economic characteristics of the Howth Fishery Harbour Centre. (One of a series of six fishery harbour centre profiles commissioned by BIM)


Killybegs: A Socio-economic Profile of Ireland's Fishery Harbour Centres

30 May 2013

A report presenting background statistics which describe the social and economic characteristics of the Killybegs Fishery Harbour Centre. (One of a series of six fishery harbour centre profiles commissioned by BIM)


A Socio-economic Profile of Ireland's Fishing Communities: The FLAG North East Region including Howth Fishery Harbour Centre

30 May 2013

A report presenting background socio-economic statistics for the FLAG North East Region including Howth Fishery Harbour Centre. (One of a series of six area profiles commissioned by BIM)


A Socio-economic Profile of Ireland's Fishing Communities: The FLAG North Region including Killybegs Fishery Harbour Centre

30 May 2013

A report presenting background socio-economic statistics for the FLAG North Region including Killybegs Fishery Harbour Centre. (One of a series of six area profiles commissioned by BIM)


A Socio-economic Profile of Ireland's Fishing Communities: The FLAG North West Region

30 May 2013

A report presenting background socio-economic statistics for the FLAG North West Region. (One of a series of six area profiles commissioned by BIM)


A Socio-economic Profile of Ireland's Fishing Communities: The FLAG South West Region including Castletownbere Fishery Harbour Centre.

30 May 2013

A report presenting background socio-economic statistics for the FLAG South West Region including Castletownbere Fishery Harbour Centre. (One of a series of six area profiles commissioned by BIM)


Greencastle: A Socio-economic Profile of Ireland's Fishing Harbours

30 May 2013

A report presenting background statistics which describe the social and economic characteristics of the Greencastle Fishery Harbour


Dunmore East: A Socio-economic Profile of Ireland's Fishery Harbour Centres

30 Mar 2013

A report presenting background statistics which describe the social and economic characteristics of the Dunmore East Fishery Harbour Centre. (One of a series of six fishery harbour centre profiles commissioned by BIM)


Rossaveal: A Socio-economic Profile of Ireland's Fishery Harbour Centres

30 Mar 2013

A report presenting background statistics which describe the social and economic characteristics of the Rossaveal Fishery Harbour Centre. (One of a series of six fishery harbour centre profiles commissioned by BIM)


A Socio-economic Profile of Ireland's Fishing Communities: The FLAG South East Region including Dunmore East Fishery Harbour Centre

30 Mar 2013

A report presenting background socio-economic statistics for the FLAG South East Region including Dunmore East Fishery Harbour Centre. (One of a series of six area profiles commissioned by BIM)


A Socio-economic Profile of Ireland's Fishing Communities: The FLAG West Region including Rossaveal Fishery Harbour Centre

30 Mar 2013

A report presenting background socio-economic statistics for the FLAG West Region including Rossaveal Fishery Harbour Centre. (One of a series of six area profiles commissioned by BIM)


Review of Crawfish Technical Conservation Measures

2 Nov 2012

Report to the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Marine on the Technical Conservation Measures (TCMs) currently in place for the Irish crawfish (Palinurus elephas) stock and future recommendations. November 2012


A Start Up Guide for Fisheries Local Action Groups

12 Jun 2012

Guidelines for establishing a Fisheries Local Action Group under the ‘Axis 4 – Sustainable Development of Fishery Dependent Areas Programme’.


BIM Responsibly Sourced Standard - Onshore Handling Standard

31 May 2012

The Onshore Handling Standard sets out the requirements for Onshore Facilities to be certified to the BIM Responsibly Sourced Standard.


Economic Survey to Determine the Importance of Seafood Activity for the Castletownbere Region

1 May 2012

This report facilitated by BIM details qualitative and quantative information on the value that fishing contributes to the town including how 81% of the employment in Castletownbere is related to fishing.


Report of the High Level Group on the Jobs Initiative for the Killybegs Region

2 Dec 2011

Report on the jobs initiative for the Killybegs region following on from the economic assessment.


Killybegs, Assessment of the status, development and diversification of fisheries dependent communities(2.7Mb)

14 Jun 2011

An economic assessment of Killybegs – a case study of a fisheries dependent community.


Improving Fuel Efficiency on Fishing Vessels (5Mb)

25 Aug 2009

This guide investigates engine efficiency in terms of the improvements in fuel consumption that result from basic maintenance and fuel monitoring; the effects of excessive drag on the hull caused by fouling; and matching the speed of the vessel to optimum fuel consumption.


Ireland's Response To the Commission's Green Paper on the Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (1.27MB)

18 Apr 2009

This paper both summarises Ireland’s view of the Commission’s Green Paper and makes a number of informed recommendations.


The Shrimp (Palaemon serratus P.) Fishery: Analysis of the Resource in 2003-2007 (3Mb)

18 Sep 2008

Fisheries Resource Series No. 8.


Irish Trials of Non-Sulphite Prawn Treatments

28 Jun 2008

Our report on trials conducted in June 2008 to assist the prawn industry establish viable alternatives to the use of sodium metabisulphite in the treatment of Black spot (or melanosis). We compare the effectiveness of the commercially available non-sulphite based products; Crustaxyl®, Xyrex® Prawn-Fresh(TM) and Everfresh® against sodium metabisulphite (4% concentration).


Assessment, Monitoring and Management of the Dundalk Bay and Waterford Estuary Cockle (Cerastoderma edule) Fisheries in 2007 (1Mb)

18 Jun 2008

Fisheries Resource Series No. 7.


Bluefin Tuna Tagging in Irish Waters (8.3Mb)

18 Jan 2008

Fisheries Resource Series No. 6.


Assessment of maximum effective spacing for acoustic deterrents deployed in gill net fisheries in the Celtic Sea

12 Jun 2007

An assessment of optimal pinger spacing


Assessment of Acoustic Deterrent Devices in Irish Gill Net and Tangle Net Fisheries

12 Jun 2007

A technical assessment of the practicalities of available pinger models, and solutions developed by BIM to address identified issues


User Friendly Guide to filling in the EU Logbook - Section II (5.5Mb)

18 Apr 2007

A guide for skippers in completing the EU logbook. Section II: Contains examples covering a range of gear types/areas/target species and demonstrates how to fill in the logbook from leaving port to landing.


User Friendly Guide to filling in the EU Logbook - Section I (6.5Mb)

18 Apr 2007

A guide for skippers in completing the EU logbook. Section I: Deals with filling in the logbook during the course of a normal fishing trip.


The Lobster (Homarus gammarus L.) Fishery: Analysis of the resource in 2004-2005 (2.5Mb)

18 Aug 2006 

Fisheries Resource Series No. 5.


The Brown Crab (Cancer pagurus L.) Fishery: Analysis of the resource in 2004-2005 (1.7Mb)

18 Jul 2006

Fisheries Resource Series No. 4.


Monitoring and Assessment of Scallops off the South East Coast of Ireland (1.3Mb)

18 Jun 2006

Fisheries Resource Series No. 3.


Decommissioning scheme - Building a Sustainable Future for Irelands Fishing Fleet (715kb)

18 Nov 2005

Report on the final element of an integrated set of schemes designed to deliver the necessary restructuring, renewal and modernisation in the whitefish fleet and to permanently withdraw capacity from the demersal and shellfish sector.


Decommissioning requirements for Irelands Demersal and Shellfish Fleets by Padraic White (1.1Mb)

18 Jul 2005

The review examines and reports on the urgency, scope and cost of the decommissioning requirements for the demersal and shellfish fleets, in order to establish a balance between fleet size and available fishing entitlements.


The Biology and Management of Clawed Lobster (Homarus gammarus L.) in Europe (5.3Mb)

18 Jun 2004

Fisheries Resource Series No. 2.

Fish Handling Quality Guides Fish Handling Quality Guides





Cod, Haddock and Whiting


Plaice, Sole and Lemon Sole




Wild Salmon



Blue Whiting


Horse Mackerel





Brown Crab

Dublin Bay Prawn